Introduction to sociology
soc 1500
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to sociology and is designed to give you an introduction to sociological theory, methods, and substantive areas. Among the topics we will cover are what sociology is, what sociologists do, how to do sociology, social institutions, social stratification and inequality, and special topics in sociology (social control and deviance). At the end of this course, you should be able to understand and discuss both the sociological perspective and the sociological imagination.
Past Syllabus:
Fall 2022 (Online)
Summer 2023 (Online)
““This online course was one of my favorite classes this semester because it was organized so well. I could clearly see the assignments I had to complete each week, and all outside material was directly linked on Blackboard. Dr. Fehlbaum graded assignments fairly, left useful comments on our work, and graded it in in a timely manner.””