soc 2690
Course Description:
This course explores identities and differences in individuals and in groups and how those aspects are created, maintained, and transcended. For example, how is it that within various identity components – gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity, class, sex, bodies – are deemed “normal” and some as “other”? Students will examine their own and others’ identities and how those identities are formed and contested in response to various social institutions such as the family, workplace, education, state, and media. Students will exercise their ability to use sociological critical thinking and creativity, using alternative points of view with attention to the ways that the social environment and macro social factors enable or constrain an individual’s path.
Past Syllabus:
Fall 2023 (Online)
This course involves the use of a Role Playing Game as well a the creation of a “Choose Your Own Adventure” story using the character from the Role Playing Game.